Sunday 10 May 2009

2009 Publications

Shogo Suzuki

Civilization and Empire: East Asia's Encounter with European International Society (London: Routledge/New International Relations Series, 2009).

Joel Quirk

(2009) "New Approaches to Combating Modern Slavery", Human Rights Quarterly 31(1): 257-67.

(2009) "Anti-slavery, European Identity, and International Society: A Macro-Historical Perspective" (with David Richardson), Journal of Modern European History 7(1): 68-92.

Alexandra Homolar-Riechmann

(2009) “The Moral Purpose of US Power: Neoconservatism in the Age of Obama”, Contemporary Politics 15(2): 179-96.

André Broome

(2009) “The Politics of Capital Gains: Creating an Asset-based Society in New Zealand”, in The Politics of Housing Booms and Busts, edited by H.M. Schwartz and L. Seabrooke. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 76-96.

(2009) “Money for Nothing: Everyday Actors and Monetary Crises”, Journal of International Relations and Development 12(1): 3-30.

(2009) “When do NGOs Matter? Activist Organizations as a Source of Change in the International Debt Regime”, Global Society 23(1): 59-78.